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Brisbane Airtrain: compare the options

October 11, 20172 minute read
Airtrain fare, Brisbane Airtrain fare comparison

You can now do a Brisbane Airtrain fare comparison with other methods of getting to your end destination. The company has introduced a handy online Compare the Fare comparison tool to make it easier to choose. This is especially useful if you’re not familiar with Brisbane or South East Queensland and aren’t sure of your options.

Brisbane Airtrain fare comparison

There are some limitations, as there are a number of services offering transport to and from Brisbane Airport.

What it compares

This handy tool shows you a number of selected popular destinations to choose from. It also shows current the traffic hotspots where a taxi might find it show going. Choose from the locations shown to see the difference in fares.

What it doesn’t

You can’t make a comparison with one of the ride sharing services or with a bus service.

So. How do I decide?

If you want to go to a destination close to the stops along the Brisbane Airtrain route, especially if it’s within easy walking distance of the station, the Airtrain is usually your best option.

In addition…

You can save up to 15% off, if you book online in advance. You’ll save 5% when you book a day ahead and 2-6 days will get you a 10% discount. From 7 or more days in advance, you’ll receive the early bird discount of 15%. Book to travel with a friend and the two tickets will cost you AUD 28.

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# Airport Train, Airport Transport, Brisbane Airtrain
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