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KLIAekspres launches their new livery

February 13, 20152 minute read
KLIA ekspres

ERL launch-971412th February 2015, KLIA2, ERL platform.

The Express Rail Link introduced their new train livery for KLIAexpress and KLIAtransit today in a press conference held on the ERL platform at KLIA2. Guests were given a brief run through of the milestones reached over their thirteen years of operation before being introduced to the sleek new paint job on one of the trains that was hiding just beyond the station platform.

As the train glided into the station following the ‘whistle’ by YBhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Syed Hamid Syed Jaafar Albar, Chairman of the Land Transport Bureau SPAD, guests were invited to take and post selfies with the new look train.

The cheetah (and likewise the horse in the second variant) is not completely visible, the head can be seen clearly, but in a style reminiscent of the popular street art seen in Georgetown and other Malaysian cities recently, two small children are trying to peep at the rest of the animal, giving life to the tag-line “Underneath it all, we’re still the fastest”.

ERL launch-In her address to invited guests, Puan Noormah Mohd Noor, CEO of Express Rail Link (ERL Sdn Bhd) revealed that After 13 years of operation, consistently maintaining an on-time availability of 99.7%, the ERL will carry its 60millionth guest in a few days. She noted that with the extension of the line to KLIA2 in May 2014, daily ridership has increased by 43%.

She commented that “KLIA Express passengers are equally made up of locals and foreign visitors, with 50% travelling for business purposes. We have to keep up with with the customer demand and meet or exceed their expectations.””

Puan Noormah further added that the company remains committed to ensuring consistent and high quality customer service. She noted some of the improvements made over the years:ERL launch-9710

  • The refurbishment of all train seats and carpets
  • installation of on-board wifi
  • online ticketing
  • the introduction of the KLIA Express mobile app
  • Visa payWave acceptance at the gates
  • train service updates via Facebook and Twitter

In addition ERL has added a new tourist product called KL Travel Pass running on the popular Touch’n Go platform and has just introduced dedicated pick-up bays for taxi app bookings at the Arrivals Exit in KL Sentral, starting with MyTaxi.

For more information, check the schedules, or to purchase a ticket, please check the Express Rail Link website.

ERL launch-9720

# Express Rail Link (ERL), KLIA Ekspres, KLIA Transit, Public Transport, Train Travel
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