With international borders closed and much uncertainty for travellers, Malaysia Aviation Group has implemented measures so you can fly confidently. The airline group recently introduced their Fly Confidently campaign to help reduce travellers’ concerns.
Fly Confidently in the New Normal
The campaign covers all stages of the journey applicable to all the group airlines. Malaysia Airlines and the two subsidiaries Firefly based in the Peninsula, and MASwings in Sabah and Sarawak provides passengers with a new set of guidelines. The clear and concise infographic and resources can be found on each airline’s official website and social media platforms.

The core of the campaign to raise public awareness on the health and safety measures taken by the Group is a 4:21 minute video entitled Fly Confidently. This guides travellers through their journey, before, during and after they fly with departure and arrival using Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). The video features enhanced safety and public health measures by Malaysia Airlines in collaboration with Malaysia Airports Berhad (MAHB), Immigration and Customs departments at several customer touch-points.
These include
- check-in counters
- Immigration and Customs areas
- Golden Lounges
- boarding gate
- in-flight
- baggage collection
All measures highlighted in the video comply with guidelines set by international and local regulatory bodies These include International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), World Health Organisation (WHO), International Air Transport Association (IATA), and the Ministry of Health of Malaysia (MOH),
The measures are customised to the airline’s requirements in facilitating travel under the new normal.
They include:
- Passenger education about the latest requirements through various communication channels
- Compliance with social and physical distancing rules
- wherever possible
- Requirements for passengers to wear face coverings or masks at all times
- Heightening routine sanitation of self-service kiosks, check-in counters, airline and airport facilities
- Health screening using thermal scanners
- using contactless thermometers
- Displaying the COVID-19 monitoring app MySejahtera QR code
- for passengers to update their information.
Malaysia Aviation Group CEO, Captain Izham Ismail spoke about the video, produced in-house by Malaysia Aviation Grouip.
It details a step-by-step walkthrough of a passenger journey from home with contactless check-in via our mobile app or website, followed by the enhanced safety and health measures we have adopted at the airport and on board our flights. Captain Izham
From 15 July 2020, Malaysia Airlines provides all passengers with complimentary Hygiene Kits when they travel with the airline. The hygiene kits include
- one non-surgical face mask
- a sachet of hand sanitiser
- a sachet of sanitary wipes,
The items are hygienically packed in a sealed zip-lock small sized pouch. These will also be available to Firefly passengers.

Book your travels now via www.malaysiaairlines.com or the airline’s mobile app and appointed agents. Passengers are also reminded to check entry and exit requirements before their journeys, with travel restrictions in most countries.
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