Malaysia’s Olympic Divers received a boost to their training support with the announcement of a four year sponsorship from Malaysia Airlines on 20th December 2016.
The sponsorship, which will run for four years from 2016 until the Tokyo Olympics in 2020.
The sponsorship of the National Olympic Divers, Nur Dhabitah Sabri and Pandelela Rinong will cover all-inclusive return travel on Business Class within the Malaysia network as well as financial sponsorship for their training programme and travel to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
….. Dhabitah and Pandelela are National heroes. The country was glued to the media tracking their moves in Rio this year. They showed that through hard work, focus and determination you can achieve great things. I think for our staff they are a tremendous example of success and we are proud to be associated with them. I look forward to following their achievements and challenges and we wish them well on their goal for gold for Tokyo 2020. Peter Bellew, Malaysia Airlines Berhad Group CEO
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