The on-going drought in Western Queensland is making life really tough for the rural community in the area. Longreach is the home of Qantas and they’ve stepped up.
Over the past five months, AirAsia and MAKNA have worked together to raise money for the Malaysian National Cancer Council (MAKNA) and a cheque has now been presented to MAKNA.
Those helped by MERCY Malaysia UK and Voice of the Children will benefit from the contributions made by Malaysia Airlines to a charity auction in London.
You can make a small contribution by making a wish to be with a friend, that will help the disadvantaged.
Contemporary Australian art and artists have received a big leg up with a large corporate gift from the Qantas Foundation.
AirAsia recently flew the families of three young Malaysian cyclists to meet them in Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam.
Qantas Group pilots will FlyPink from 1st October, replacing their normal gold epaulettes with pink epaulettes in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
We look at some of ASEAN’s successful social entrepreneurs at the Destination: GOOD Asean Social Enterprise conference and how you can incorporate some personal support when you travel to these countries.
Young up and coming badminton players receive a boost from an AirAsia sponsorship deal with Fleet.